Clean Bhutan was established on 5th February 2014
Under The Royal Patronage of Her Majesty, The Gyaltsuen Jetsun Pema Wangchuck, (The Queen of the Kingdom of Bhutan)
“For any initiative to be successful, dedication and consistency is essential. We must all remind ourselves that our actions
on the World Environment Day should not remain symbolic, stand alone activities but instead must be practiced everyday “
~ Her Majesty, The Gyaltsuen (The Queen of Bhutan), July 2018
“For any initiative to be successful, dedication and consistency is essential. We must all remind ourselves that our actions
on the World Environment Day should not remain symbolic, stand alone activities but instead must be practiced everyday “
~ Her Majesty, The Gyaltsuen (The Queen of Bhutan), July 2018
Zero Waste Bhutan by 2030.
To change the mindset of every Bhutanese to be responsible citizens and practice sustainable consumption lifestyle by using available resources most efficiently.
Reduce Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emission from landfill and prevent river pollution from waste by Advocating Behavioral Change (ABC) on sustainable consumption lifestyle.
Advocate Behavioral Change (ABC) on sustainable consumption lifestyle and prevent Bhutan from becoming a consumerist society.
Changing the mindset of all citizen to practice the 3R with Responsibility.
Work with local government, municipality authorities and communities to manage waste more efficiently.